Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sighting the Citadal and Touring Alexander's Keith Brewery!

The Citadel

The Citadel was completed in 1856 and is the fourth in a series of British forts. The major role for the Citadel after the turn of the century was to provide barrack accommodations and act as a command centre for other harbour defenses. When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the Citadel was used as a temporary barracks for troops going overseas and as the centre for anti-aircraft operations for Halifax. The Citadel was the "last view of the country for so many thousands outward bound and the first landmark to those who returned."

Our first brewery experience, Alexander Keith's Brewery located in the heart of Halifax, it left a unique impression on us. Still only brewed in Halifax, Alexander Keith's India Pale ale if a favorite among the Canadians. We were led through the facilities, educated on the history of the brand, the beer making process and then given the opportunity to try some of the beer samples. Nector of Gods!
We went back into time to learn about the beer, the brewery and life in Halifax in 1863, right when Mr. Keith was doing his brewing magic. The experience takes place inside the old Alexander Keith’s house and the neighbouring Keith’s beer production facilities. As you make your way through various rooms and buildings, you get a chance to meet some of the actors, portraying the people who played a significant role at Keith’s brewery. Each one tells you a few interesting facts about Keith’s brewing and the impact it had on our culture. They also talk about their responsibilities around the facilities and usually get you to do something related to the brewing process… like assess the barley or approve a beer sample. Roy's job was to make sure the malt was perfect! At the end of the tour, in the orignal Red Stag tavern, we had two mugs of Keith’s IPA, Roy had a red and stout and I had blondie and a red. I'm not a beer drinker but boy did I enjoy those two mugs! While you enjoy a fresh brew, the actors entertain you with popular 19th century Nova Scotian songs, dances and a few old tavern games. What an experience! The actors did an excellant job!

Therdore Too in front of Yumsuch!

Our thoughts are with everyone dealing with Irene! We hope everyone is safe and those who have boats we hope they weather Irene safely.
We are currently at Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Club Squadron, we are suppose to get 30 mph winds here. So we will be fine! Take care!

1 comment:

  1. I am concerned about the artistic interpenetration of Roy firing his "cannon".
