Thursday, February 12, 2015

Miami Boat Show

Today is the first day of the show.  I now use these boat shows as half pleasure half business.  Seem to be able to generate at least one lead for sensors at each show.

We will be helping Mark at Starboard Sun again today.  He sells the Superwind wind generator and the SunWare solar panels.  Don't forget, just mentioning my name, when buying from Mark, and you will get at least free shipping.

We sailed here over the weekend.  Always a challenge as we head against the prevailing winds.  We had to throw 8 tacks and spent 9 hours sailing to Rodriquez the first night.  Just happy we can tack to places now.  We were the only ones sailing NE that day. Everyone else just motored up wind.  If the old saying holds true, "Gentlemen don't sail to windward", I don't qualify as a gentlemen.

The view from our favorite spot near South Beach.  That is an Azimut 88.  A $6.5M yacht.  We have watched the house get built for the past two years.  If the boat costs that much, imagine the cost of the house.  

Full moon rising over the mooring field.  Picture was taken during our dinghy ride back from dinner at Burdine's.  The bridge is right at the south end of the mooring/anchoring area.  

 Our first annual birthday bash.  Wanted to make sure no one gets left out.


  1. "If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!" NN

  2. As a result of a near mutiny, the overbearing and arrogant captain was forced to see a psychiatrist by order of the commodore.
    As soon as the captain became comfortable on the couch, the psychiatrist began the session by asking the captain, "Why don't you start at the beginning?"
    The captain said, "Okay, in the beginning, I created heaven and earth........" Norbert

  3. Seniors Tax Return

    They are questioning how many dependents I claimed
    I guess it was because of my response to the question:
    "List all dependents?"
    I replied 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps; 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half in Mexico and 535 persons in the U.S.House and Senate.
    1 useless President.

    Evidently this was NOT an acceptable answer.

    I keep asking myself: " WHO THE HELL DID I MISS!" NN
