Saturday, April 20, 2013

First overnight sail

We decided to stay an extra day in Palm Beach due to multiple thunderstorms predicted for most of the day.  We are so glad we did.  A couple who left on their Leopard Catamaran went out 6 miles, decided the weather was to iffy, turned around back to the anchorage.  They anchored next to us, a huge lighting and thunderstorm approaches and Roy is looking out around us. Then he sees lightening hit their mast with black smoke for a minute. Everyone aboard was ok but they lost all their instruments.  They're plans to head to the Bahamas is now delayed.
We arrived in St. Augustine on Wednesday evening after at 35 hr sail.  The winds were perfect the first 18 hrs and then slowly started hitting us on the nose.  So we ended up motor sailing for the second half of our journey.  We will leave St. Augustine on Sunday.  With a N/NE wind and big seas, it looks like it might be an ICW day! 

A turtle loves to follow us!


Flying Fish. I finally got a picture!

1 comment:

  1. "Out of sight of land, the sailor feels safe. It is the beach that worries him." NN
