Monday, September 17, 2012

Almost Ready

We have been back in Myrtle Beach, at Osprey, for the past 2 weeks.  Here I thought we would not be coming back until spring.  But, Osprey is one of the best places to be if a hurricane comes up.  We have been watching the tropical updates daily and, so far, the jet stream and upper level winds are keeping them out to sea.  If all looks good this weekend, we plan to start heading a little further south.

Here we left the boat due to rain and we come back to our condo with a flooded bedroom.  The water heater upstairs was leaking and no one noticed.  With the amount of mold, we figure it must have started right after we left.  The new plastic ceiling stopped any structural damage, but it funneled the water right down our bedroom wall on to our bed.  Our Tempurpedic mattress probably soaked up a 100 gallons of water.  There was a small stream running down the wall and not a drop on the floor.  It also ruined our Kincaid painting and some clothes (mold).  Working with insurance.  I guess it is pretty common here, so they plan to replace everything they can and reimburse what they can't.  We had one of the water restoration places remove everything and clean up the mold.  

We have done a lot of maintenance to the boat including re-bedding all of the ports, new 72VDC battery monitor,  installed the repaired/upgraded controller and throttle for the electric engine, replaced the guts of the electric engine, and repaired our rusty grill.  That along with polishing, waxing and teak maintenance.  We want to make sure we are ready for our time in FL this winter.  All kinds of things didn't like sitting around for 7 months over the winter.

I know everyone will ask, the armature of the motor was worn due to heavy use.  It is only a $400 part, so think of it as a water pump or 3 trips to the fuel dock (sailboats).  Reducing the pitch, of my over sized prop, and keeping it barnacle free will provide a longer life.    Working with Lynch Motor has been a dream and we are so happy with the performance of our new controller.

Looking forward to hitting the water again.  We will be driving to the Annapolis Show.  If anyone is interested in buying solar panels or a wind generator, let me know.

 First sunset in a month.  I guess it rained nearly as much in Myrtle Beach.  20 days in August.
While anchored in Mile Hammock Bay, we got to watch a helicopter practice picking up and dropping off what looks like an I-beam.  Interesting during the day, but they came back and practiced for another hour at 10:00pm.

You have heard the term, "once in a blue moon".  This was August's blue mean.  Every three years, we get two full moons in the same month.  It is not blue, but you get the idea.  

I want that job.  Locals beach (at low tide) near the Wrightsville Beach bridge.  

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